Wednesday 3 September 2014

Google Glass Eye-Wear reads Emotions

   Google has developed a glass which can reveal our thoughts which are running in our mind using smart Eye-Wear Application. It not only reveals the feelings of the persons, but also it says the Age of them.

How the Emotions are revealed out..??     

    This is completely done by the Emotion recognition software which analyses the video in the tiny computer hidden inside the Google eye-wear and reveals emotions.
The emotions such as anger, happiness, sadness, surprise revealed by it  and displays this information on screen.
 The technology is also for desktop computers also and the main thing here is this App is trained by accessing a database of more than 10,000 annotated faces

 "This opens up an entire spectrum of new smart eye-wear applications, including communication aids for people with disorders such as autism, many of whom have difficulty interpreting emotions through facial expressions," - by its developers from Germany-based Fraunhofer Institute.

Features of Google Glasses

Working function of Google glass 

functioning process

For more info:

                  No: 8686-71-7090


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