Wednesday 27 August 2014

APPLE loses to block 9 Samsung sales

Breaking News of  APPLE..!!

    On copying of application style, features of Apple phones, Apple has camplained on Samsung company to ban their sales but,  San Jose Federal Judge (SJF) has rejected
a request from Apple to ban the sale of Samsung smartphones in the U.S. that infringe on Apple's patents.
   Apple wanted a permanent injunction against future sales of nine older Samsung smartphones that copied features in the iPhone after a jury decided earlier this year that the Korean company had infringed on three Apple patents.
   U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh said Apple had not proven that Samsung's infringement of the patents hurt sales. A federal jury awarded Apple nearly $120 million in damages in May. Apple had asked for $2.2 billion.
   An Apple spokewoman declined to comment.
   In a statement, Samsung said: "We welcome today's ruling. We remain committed to providing American consumers with a wide choice of innovative products."
   Apple has won two verdicts in federal court against Samsung for infringing on its patents on the iPhone and iPad. Samsung has been ordered to pay damages of more than $1 billion.
Apple and Samsung have agreed to dismiss patent disputes in countries outside the U.S. but are pressing ahead with disputes in the U.S.

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